Dawn of the Un-Dyed


I am an artist who enjoys limits, thrives within a set of strict self-imposed rules. I am an educator and an activist as well. Sometimes, but not often, I write and publish patterns for hand knit and crocheted garments. I feel compelled to share a new idea that I am hatching- a personal ban on dyed goods as a thorough investigation of minimalism and asceticism.  This ban would extend to art supplies, fiber and fabric. Eventually culminating in a wide enough wardrobe to be swathed in it for a to be determined period of time. I must explain here and now that I am a color fiend. I salivate over acid dyed neons and printed textiles. Dawn of the Un-Dyed is propelled by increasing concern over toxic waste by the hands of the textile industry. I am posting this here and now for the next year, “Dye, you are dead to me!”

Vegan Knitting